FitnessFood & Beverage/CateringHolistic HealthHospitals & ClinicsMassage TherapyRestaurants
Hospital - 24-7. Clinic - see web site for details at our two locations! www.wwhealth.org
Driving Directions:
Conveniently located on the north side of Highway 94 at exit 19. 1100 Bergslien Street Baldwin, WI 54002
About Us
We offer comprehensive health and wellness services, including preventive care, behavioral health, primary care, emergency care, advanced surgical procedures, integrative health, orthopedic services, rehabilitation services, women’s health, and treatment for a broad range of medical conditions.
We understand the importance of health and wellness in your life, and we’re here to support your goals. Come explore our new facility to find programs and services focused on creating a healthier you. Every staff member, from providers to those at the desk, is committed to the health and wellness of everyone in our community. We believe that together we can build healthier future for all.
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