Community Organizations
Contact baldwinroyalty72@gmail.com
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About Us
Baldwin Royalty Scholarship Program welcomes BWHS Sophomores who reside within the Village of Baldwin or are open enrolled in the district. (Woodville residents are ineligible) Anyone interested has an opportunity to sign up in January to be a Candidate and then will compete for the title of Miss or Mr. Baldwin.
Baldwin Royalty will actively participate in a variety of events throughout their year. These events range from community service, volunteering, parades, teas, coronations, Chamber sponsored events, among other things. These young members of our community promote our program by hosting a variety of fundraising events that help support our scholarships, parade float, operating expenses and our community projects.
The King/Queen receives a scholarship of $750.00. He/she is also rewarded with a paid trip to St Paul Winter Carnival. The Royal Court receive a scholarship of $500.00 each. We are very lucky to have such amazing community support as our crowns have been donated by Fennern Jewelers, our float insurance and storage has been donated by the Chamber of Commerce, Flagship Ford provides a truck to pull our float, and the Baldwin Legion has graciously allowed us to use their facility for meetings and our annual community dinner.
We are fortunate to also have a full-time parade float driver, Gary Hammond. He maintains the float and safely gets our court through each and every parade.
These are only a few reasons to participate in our program. We can't wait to meet you.
Your Royalty Committee

